GSP 10-23 An Post Transformation 2023-2026 Agreement



3rd July 2023

You will be aware from GS Circular No 09-23, issued in the 26th May 2023, the redesign of Delivery Service Units commenced on the 12th June 2023. The final mile design of 35 offices will be undertaken on a phased basis at each office over a 14 week period, to have all completed and implemented in advance of PEAK/Xmas pressure period. At this point we are in the initial stages of the process for the first 20 DSUs and agreement has been concluded on the local release arrangements, duty competition and ring fenced duties. I attach a copy of these for your information.

The Transformation programme is a major undertaking for both the Company and Union and will be a major test of the internal industrial relations mechanisms, placing an additional burden on all involved. This is particularly the case as the redesigns are one aspect, albeit a major one, of the agreement. While we have agreed to cooperate with the company change programme it is imperative the CWU agenda is progressed in tandem. I committed to having the necessary supports and resources in place at local and national level to ensure this.

Section 6 of the Final Mile Operation of the Transformation Agreement, provides that the parties ‘will agree and authorise any additional measures that are identified as being necessary to support the process and the pace of implementation. On this basis the Company has agreed to provide the following release arrangements to the CWU:

Mr Bill Colfer will be temporarily released from his role as CWU Regional Officer and assigned to a temporary National Officer role, reporting directly to the General Secretary.  The temporary National Officer role will focus on supporting all aspects of the Transformation Agreement, by liaising with both Headquarters, providing updates, and working with Garrett Byrne, Head of Implementation to ensure early resolution of any issues arising.  He will attend CSG and Monitoring Group meetings as required.

The CWU Regional Officer South role will be covered by Adrian Scanlon NEC who is seconded to the role for 4 days per week. The  Dublin Postal Amalgamated Branch Secretary release arrangements will be extended to the Branch Chairperson, James Moore. To deal with CWU Managers related issues Vincent Kilroy NEC will be released for 1 day per week.          Tel: 087 0665990            Tel: 085 7077888

The above arrangement will apply for the period for implementation of the first 35 DSU Redesigns and cease for the 2023 Peak/Xmas pressure period, with all returning to their substantive roles. The arrangement will be effective from Monday 3rd July until Friday 24th November 2023, unless otherwise agreed by the CSG.

A review of necessary supports for the transformation of Clerical/Admin will take place separately in due course.

The above arrangements will supplement the existing resources and I can reassure Branches of the continuation of support from Headquarters, Reginal Officers and NEC members, all of whom are available to assist Branch Secretaries.

Attachment no 1 GSP 10-23 Duty Comp Agreement

Attachment no 2 GSP 10-23 Process to be followed for dealing with Ring Fenced Duties

Attachment no 3 GSP10-23


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