GSP 19-23 Peak Xmas Arrangements 2023



I wish to advise you of the outcome of discussions with An Post in respect of the resourcing arrangements to apply for this year’s Peak/Xmas pressure period.

Essentially the arrangements are the same as last year with the following to apply for 2023:

  • The nationwide commencement date is Saturday 9th December 2023
  • The overtime package in all areas will be broadly in line with 2022, save for the adjustments below:
    • Saturday 2nd December Enhanced nationwide parcel delivery, which is outside of the Xmas package of hours.
    • Monday 4th December to Friday 8th December 2023, one hours’ overtime will be applied to every delivery route each day, which forms part of the overall locally agreed overtime package.
    • Any required hours worked above that will be managed in accordance with the “Cessation of Late Finish Agreement”.
    • Saturday 9th December 2023 nationwide delivery, 8.5 hour attendance.
    • Saturday 16th December 2023 nationwide delivery, 8.5 hour attendance.
    • All offices will have a pool of a minimum of 45 hours, inclusive of the above.
    • NDRP sites that are live, will not be reduced and have the same hours as last year. Enhanced arrangements will apply for November to be agreed locally (no later than 17th November).
    • At all other provincial DSUs, that have not been redesigned, and over 45 hours last year, a reduction of 10% will apply.
    • In Dublin, 75 hrs in realigned DSUs and 56 hrs in non-realigned DSUs will apply. This is inclusive of the 4-hour attendance on Saturday 23rd Full clearance of all mails including Amazon.
    • Saturday 23rd December 2023, delivery of barcoded items/no letter delivery – normal Saturday arrangements.
    • Thursday 28th December 2023 1.5 hrs.

Branches should now finalise local arrangements in accordance with the above. Please revert to the CWU Regional Officers if assistance is required.


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