GSP 11-24 Worker Director Elections 2024



You will be aware from GSP Circular 06/24 the term of office of the existing Worker Directors in An Post expires on the 31st October 2024.

In advance of this the Postal Sectoral Executive decided the CWU strategy i.e.,  to nominate four candidates consisting of two male and two female candidates and make the fifth Board nomination available to the AHCPS/Forsa to decide.

We believe the above strategy to be in the best interest of all Union members in An Post as it provides a voice at the Board for the Group of Unions, is inclusive of all constituents and most importantly for the CWU represents a strong statement form the Union in relation to gender equality on the An Post Board.

Accordingly, having reviewed the nominations from Branches, the Postal Sectoral decided  to select the following candidates:

  • Keith Butler Dublin, Postal Delivery Branch
  • Deirdre Medlar, Ballina Postal Branch
  • Ellen Moore, Portlaoise Postal Branch
  • Paul Kennedy, Galway Postal Branch

I wish to record the Union’s appreciation for the nominations received and to our outgoing Worker Directors for their work on behalf of the Company and Union.


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