GSP 10-24 National Route Design Programme



Following on from a report at Conference we have set out below the outcome of the review of the NRDP, and the revised process to apply for the next phase of redesigns which have now commenced.

Revised Process: The process timeline extends from 14 weeks to 18 weeks, primarily to address the resequencing issue and allow for a further 2 week post implementation review. The planners will be more involved at local level and Branch representatives will engage at an earlier stage in relation to pre-planning profile review and at first pass analysis stage. There will be no design implementation after the month of September. The Company has confirmed designed duties will factor in potential new development and growth. The Unions expectation is this should ensure duty design should avoid delivery time being too tight.

Collections: Where existing collections can be evaluated as efficient, where feasible the Company will maintain the integrity of existing collections routes.

Sequencing: Additional time will be inserted into the implementation process, to provide for resequencing of routes as required. In order to provide for better feedback on issues such as sequencing and to ensure the Company have as much information as possible, as early as possible, the Company will share the Office profile with the local Branch from Week 1.

Duty Competition: The duty competition should be completed within two weeks, duties will be given out  based on Seniority and license requirement.

Post Implementation:

– Volume reports by office and route will be made available to DSM.

– Additional resource onsite to quickly resolve any issue.

– Dedicated resource to manage post implementation

– Structured review meeting to be held within the first six weeks.

Phase 1,2 and 3 : All Phase 1 Offices are now in the post implementation period with route evaluations ongoing in some.

Phase 2 Offices are predominantly now live and in the post implementation phase. The small number of outstanding offices will have go live dates arranged shortly.

Phase 3 Offices received a briefing on the process on Friday 26th April, with initial engagement to start shortly.

Outstanding Dublin DSU’s are the subject of ongoing HQ discussions.

Post Test Methodology: As outlined at Conference we have agreement in principle around a new post test methodology that will use a combination of Airs, Track and Trace, Telematics and Data. The Company will however continue on an ongoing basis to conduct physical post tests on 10% of all route evaluations to validate results as part of a quality control measure. The Company and Union will meet shortly to finalise the new methodology and application process. The Union’s expectation is the new approach will expedite the post test process thereby ensuring any issues with the route are addressed promptly. While this addresses any delay in the evaluation of a route post implementation, the focus and preference is to ensure workable posts are in place by design in the first instance.

5 over six days attendance liability: In some cases, primarily where there are high volumes for delivery on Saturday the company may table designs that include Saturday as a normal attendance.

NDRP Programme 2024: We have agreed that redesigns will not be implemented during the Election period, Bank Holiday weekends or after September. The schedule/target implementation dates for 2024 are as follows

  • Athlone, Longford and Waterford 19th August
  • Kilkenny, Ballincollig and Macroom 26th August
  • Carlow and Clonmel late August/early September
  • Monaghan, Portlaoise and Maynooth mid/late September.

Dublin DSU Process: Given the number of delivery units across Dublin discussion are at an advanced stage with a view to agreeing an accelerated process of implementation.

Change Allowance 3% from 1st July 2024:  Members will be aware the payment of the 3% Change Allowance is due for payment from the 1st July 2024.  The Union and Company will meet with the Monitoring Group on the 12th June 2024 to review progress in respect of implementation of the changes. The Union’s expectation is this is on track and it is imperative that we continue our ongoing cooperation with the transformation process to ensure this is achieved.

Please bring the content of this circular to the attention of all members

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