GSP 09-24 Palestine Motion



At our recent Biennial Delegate Conference in Salthill, Galway, Conference passed a motion regarding the ongoing conflict and genocide in Gaza. The motion called for an understanding that members who have examined their own conscience may wish to abstain from handling Israeli mail and to fully support members in those circumstances, by engaging with An Post management.

The motion is an expression of the deep sense of frustration held by members at the utter lack of progress toward a ceasefire, the restoration of essential services in Gaza and vastly inadequate humanitarian aid. In these circumstances, it is no surprise that members ask what is within our power to do, to add our voice to ever louder calls for peace.

While the motion now forms Union policy, consideration will need to be given to how any such principle could be implemented.

Our members are rightly proud of the critical service they provide, keeping communities connected. It is not our intention to pursue a course of action that may inadvertently impact on private citizens in the region, who may rely on the postal service for all manner of reasons.

In the first instance, the Union will need to discuss the matter with An Post management, with our Trade Union colleagues in the affected region and with UNI Global Union, of which the CWU is an affiliate. Similarly, consideration will need to be given to legal obligations under the Postal Services Act.

CWU members’ genuine concern at the ongoing and worsening situation in Palestine is a reflection of the Union’s deep commitment and proven track record of international solidarity and humanitarian aid. Members can be assured that the Union will continue to act in that spirit.

I would appreciate that you would bring this circular to the attention of members and that the Union will revert with regards to how the policy can be progressed as soon as possible.

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