GSG 16-20 Remote Branch Committee Meetings



The union acknowledges that it is not possible for branch committees to have their usual face-to-face meetings during the COVID emergency. Nonetheless it is important that branches meet remotely to continue their union duties and we are advising two options to facilitate this.

1. Microsoft Teams
We recommend that branch committees use Microsoft Teams in the first instance for remote meetings. To support branches we have developed a basic Unionlink course on MS Teams to get committees up and running. This course is being rolled out to all branches to facilitate remote working and online meetings. By the end of the course, committees will be able to communicate and have their regular meetings on MS Teams, use the calendar to set up committee meetings and share documents.

To access the course, please login to Once logged in go to the IT course section and click on CWU Microsoft Teams. You will be prompted for an enrolment key which is CWUTEAMS

It is advised to do a test meeting in advance and if at any stage the branch needs assistance with either Unionlink or MS Teams then please email

Carol will be available from 10am – 12pm and 2pm – 4pm Monday to Friday to assist.

2. Conference calls

Branches may also use the head office conference call facility.

Please dial 01 8663060 and enter the password four digit pin number 6789 when prompted to do so. The Branch Secretary or Chairperson is requested to email to book the conference call.

We would like to thank all branches for their co-operation.

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