GSG 08-19 Discontinuation of Cheque Payments from CWU Head Office



Following a meeting with the Union’s bank (Bank of Ireland) and cheque processing equipment provider (Neopost), it has become apparent that the provision of cheques as a payment option is no longer viable. Therefore, all payments going forward will be made by Electronic Fund Transfer directly to the nominated bank/ credit union/ post office account. This change will apply to payments for individual members, Branches, Sections, and Social Clubs.

The Union began the process of switching to EFT for all payments at the beginning of 2018 and while we did not envisage this situation arising as suddenly as it has, this is an opportunity for the Union to cut down on its banking costs, which are significantly higher for cheque processing, as well as reducing administration time, as the processing of payments by EFT is much simpler. This is an unavoidable change and we apologise for any inconvenience that this may cause.

The Union has updated all of its claim forms and these are all available to download from the CWU website. Please make sure to use only these forms when submitting claims to Head Office.

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