National Demonstration for Palestine – 25th January at 1pm


We are urging CWU members to come out in force on Saturday 25th January, 1pm at Garden of Remembrance in Dublin. Trade Union bloc assembling at the Mandate office in Cavendish row from 12:30pm.


Please see the below mail from Owen Reidy, General Secretary of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions.

The current ceasefire in Gaza is welcome, but pressure is still needed to keep the eyes of the world on Palestine. Apartheid and Occupation must end.


Please find attached the graphic for this week’s march in English and Irish, along with a graphic with a full list of the more than 150 endorsing organisations, including ICTU and many affiliates.

If you could please share on socials and with your members.

Ceasefire or not, Israel should not be let off the hook simply because it has announced a temporary lull in the killing of Palestinians. We cannot allow any return to ‘business as usual’ with this genocidal apartheid state. And with our government not only ignoring calls for stronger action, but seemingly intent on rolling back on the Occupied Territories Bill and endorsing the anti-Palestinian ‘IHRA Antisemitism Definition’, we need to be out on Saturday in huge numbers to let them know that the Palestinian issue isn’t going away.  We still demand sanctions!

Also a reminder that there will once again be a trade union bloc, that will meet outside Mandate’s offices on Cavendish Row at 12.30pm, and we invite members of your union to be a part of it.

Owen Reidy

General Secretary